Create A Retirement Vision Board!

Create a Retirement Vision Board!

What is a vision board?

A vision board is a collection of images and words that reflect your goals, desires or aspirations.

Purpose: To inspire action towards those goals, desires and aspirations! To visually represent your “WHY” or the reason you are doing things. Ex. I am working hard, investing, saving, etc. for a nice retirement.

Getting Started: Take time to reflect and imagine what you want retirement or older adulthood to be. Also, think realistically about what you may need in later life including financial stability and caregivers.

Next: Find images, quotes or anything else that aspires you and put it on a poster board, large piece of paper, etc.

Finally: Place your vision board in a visible area and be sure to refer back to it. This will remind you of your “WHY” or the reason you are taking small steps today towards your bigger long term goals.

Here is an example of my vision board:

d lady smiling with a suitcase getting ready to board a place, a nice brunch with fruit and leonaide, an elderly lady being helped by a smiling caregiver, a balck and white photograph of an old lady walkign about 20 dogs to symbolize a crazy old dog lady, an aquaponics garden or garden in water, a brightly lit home with plants and several windows. a person painting, an adventurous goat atop a tree stump, an image stating Nieces are like sunshine on a rainy day, a woman getting a hot stone massage, a dollar sign, a housekeeper and a handyman.

My retirement vision board reminds me of why I go to work and try to make smart moves with my money. I want to be able to travel, have brunch and have lots of dogs. I also want a garden, goat and place to paint. The home signifies that I want a sustainable home to feel environmentally friends and cut down on utility costs when I am older. I want to spend time with my niece and leave money for her. I also will need money to hire a housekeeper, handy person and a caregiver later in life.

How do you envision your later adulthood?

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