What is the Aging Uniquely Community?

Whether you are aging alone or supporting someone in later adulthood, Aging Uniquely is a caring community that is here to accompany you on that journey. We believe that while having support and guidance can be helpful, each person should have the autonomy and dignity to age in their own way- to age uniquely.

Solo Aging Network

You may have some questions and concerns when you are aging alone. You may also choose to live alone or perhaps life circumstances led you to aging solo. Whatever the reason, having a community that understands your needs and shares your questions, concerns, and ideas can be helpful. Aging Uniquely’s expert articles written aim to help you think about some of the big questions and tries to offer various perspectives and considerations around important topics. We also have services to help people stay in their homes or find a new home, or whatever they may choose.

Care Partner and Caregiver Support

Maybe you are a son, daughter, niece, nephew, friend, neighbor, spouse, or care partner wondering how to best someone support someone as they age. You might wonder if someone is safe, happy, and fulfilled, wanting to move, and just how to start having conversations with someone about these topics. Know that you certainly are not alone and having a community and guidance can help. Aging Uniquely’s articles intend to offer guidance to care partners, and our aging-in-place, leisure task exploration, and transition services might also help.  


Know that you don’t have to be alone in thinking about all these questions, and know it is common for many questions about later adulthood to arise. Of course the answers to questions about aging will be unique to you, the life you want, and your personal circumstances. It is never too early to start ponding these questions and planning. g

The intention of Aging Uniquely is to:

  • Point out important considations when making big decisions
  • Illuminate options that you may have never thought of
  • Guide towards options in unique situations
  • Offer creative approaches
  • Continuously serve a community trying to aglead a fulfilled life as they age

These are just some topics Aging Uniquely will cover:

  • Solutions to support aging at a private residence, including smart-tech, home modifications, and strategies to make life easier
  • Creative housing options
  • Multiple options available in retirement communities and considerations if you are chooing a new place to live
  • trategies to age well when you are aging alone or a “Solo Ager”
  • Creative options for people living in rural areas

I hope we will learn and grow together as a community. Sign up for the Aging Uniquely email list so you don’t miss out on this great community!

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